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Judgment Soon

         Unfortunately most of the population of the world is lost in the deceptions of the Enemy of their souls. They have been carefully taught anything that will make it more palatable for them to be able to deny that there is a right and wrong or good and evil. When they do acknowledge these tenants, they have a skewed understanding of the definitions that have been given to us. They believe that truth is based on flawed logic, failed science, majority representation or that it is subjective to their positions or whims. â€‹

         God has revealed Himself to His creation perfectly in the person of His One and Only Unique Son, the LORD Jesus Christ. He has given us His fully trustworthy words in the Holy Scriptures. He provided eye-witnesses to the fact of Jesus' resurrection from the dead. Men and Women (by the thousands) have suffered martyrdom by horrific means, to proclaim that Jesus has risen from the dead. Myriads upon myriads of impossible events and interventions have occurred in response to the prayers of  believers. Observable changes in countless people's lives can be attested to over and over again. Impossibilities in creation vs evolution testify to the population that God is the Maker and Originator of everything (more than 2 trillion galaxies as a simple example). But what should be the most impactful for the believer and unbeliever alike, is the fact that God has told us the end from the beginning. 

         For me, one of the most powerful testimonies to the truth of Scripture, is that it is being fulfilled by those that hate it the most. The anti-theist crowd is instructed by their leaders to 'mock and scoff' at the people of God. Somehow they believe that this makes them seem superior or more intellectual? Sadly, it is the judgment that they have written unto themselves (2 Pet 3:3-7). Perhaps a warning is relevant here? Remember, "every person is free to choose, but no one is free from the consequences of their choice." 

          As a child of God, I am called and instructed to 'love those that persecute' us (Rom 12:14). In knowing what I know, (that they have a vail over their mind and cannot understand what they are doing because they are willfully ignorant, (1 Cor 2:14)), I feel sorry for them, both for what is coming AND for Who they are missing out on. Things will grow worse and worse here with only small victories for the Church, but the Church will never lose. When God has extended His mercy and His Grace through His longsuffering heart for the final time, the world will have the wrath of God poured out upon it. In this time the Church will NOT suffer with the world because God has promised to save those who trust in Him from the wrath to come (1 Thess 1:10). 

         When the Church is removed, the people will think that they have a leader that has finally brought peace to the world. He is the Anti-Christ. The judgment of God will be everywhere and upon all of those that remain. It will be global. From the time of the treaty that will finally bring peace to the middle-east, there will be 7 years of terrifying judgment. Scorched earth, poisoned waters, atmospheric catastrophes, war, rumors of war, starvation, disease and many more terrible things will occur. 

         In order to escape the brain-washing of the Evil One, a person must humble themselves and be broken hearted before God. They must confess to Him that they chose to do what He said was wrong and that they wish to turn to Him and be forgiven. They must confess, by faith, that Jesus died FOR them, and physically rose from the dead FOR them and receive Him as THEIR savior. This is the only hope (John 14:6). If you do not know Jesus personally, PLEASE turn to Him now in faith, to escape the judgment that is certainly coming.

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